The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 173

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN hod 1 , which is taken from the kings of Midian chains, shekels, and other ornaments. All Israel prostituted and harlotry along with it. It became a snare to Gid- eon and his family. Is Gideon not a reason for it? Alas, the Cathol- icism, Alas, Alas, Alas. 20 Oh, My servants and strong men who fulfill My will, if it listen and be Born Again to be built on the foundation, leave its safety to it. 21 ‘If it rebels against My word and My servant and becomes heifer as disobedient with har- dness his heart, you get down upon it around and sweep away like someone who washes the plates and turns them around. 22 ‘Like the one who took Moses staff and stroke the heap of dust. So also you take the staff and will thoroughly purge with fan and clean it. 23 I, Myself, am giving you this word. On that day, all My childr- en will come to know that it is I who will create the new creation by destroying the elements in the sky. 24 ‘I rebuke and correct all those I love. Oh, Catholicism, 1 Jud 8:27; 2 Isa 64:6. 66 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD listen to My rebuke and be Born Again so that you may ready to be lifted up by the clouds” – this is the word of God, the consum- ing fire CHAPTER 35 GOD, who consumes the elements, calls those not existed, commands the oceans to be dri- ed up and tortures the proud in hell forever and ever by pouring fire, asks the Popes and their au- thorities – 2 Oh Pope and his authorities, answer the questions I, God, the consuming fire and the Most High asks. 3 “Who created Adam and mul- tiplied the mankind? Who des- troyed the human kingdoms and devil’s schemes? I, God, the consuming fire says to you – 4 You teach that salvation is by works and the kingdom of heav- en is by serving humanity? 5 Can you enter the kingdom of heaven by works? Can you rec- eive the salvation by works wh- ich are like leaves dried up by sun heat? Are not the human deeds like the filthy rags 2 ? 6 If salvation and eternal life (heaven)is achieved by deeds, Salvation Through BORN AGAIN is not the unbeliever more ble- ssed than you? Yes, says God, the consuming fire. 7 ‘If salvation, eternal life and the kingdom of heaven are not gain- ed by New Birth, by what way can gain that? 8 Didn’t you understand yet the mystery I revealed through Cep- has and apostles that salvation comes only by New Birth? 9 Alas, Alas, Alas. 10 Oh Pope, his ministers, his preachers, what do you want? 11 Do you want to enter the kin- gdom of heaven with eternal life with glory or hell? or do you want the vain authority on the earth? 12 ‘Though you live with autho- rity by not being counted as bla- meless by the Lord, is not the eternal fire the judgment of God after ninety or hundred years later? 13 ‘You are looking for entering the kingdom of heaven but you have not found the narrow way, the New Birth, which leads you to heaven. 14 Many generations passed by and yet the New Birth is kept in secret. But your spiritual eyes are not opened. God did not grant 67 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD you still now the understanding mind by opening your spiritual eyes about New Birth. 15 God, the consuming fire, co- ncealed this. Today God loves you so much; therefore, He tells you this. 16 You are like His servant, but you did not listen and unde- rstand God and His kingdom mystery. You joined with the wicked and brought the punish- ment upon yourself. 17 II You say that whatever the Lord gave to His disciples was given through Peter. And Peter is the leader of all disciples. 18 I, God, the consuming fire, agree with you in this matter. But why did you leave the myst- ery of New Birth that led you the kingdom of heaven which Peter revealed to His brothers? 19 At least now, Oh sinners un- derstand the mystery Peter rev- ealed about the New Birth and be Born Again. 20 ‘Why do you stir Me up to anger, God, the consuming fire so that I can demonstrate My Almighty power to you? 21 Can anyone stand before My anger? Can the nature bear