The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 171

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 24 It was not Mary who gave a vision to a girl in Lurdh town. But it was the devil, the angel of dar- kness, who deceived the first men in the Garden of Eden. He also deceived you and gave a vision to that girl. 25-26 Oh, religious leaders, you are caught up in his traps by not examining the scriptures. Alas, Alas, Alas, lake of fire, lake of fire, lake of fire, turn to the Word and be Born Again so that you may receive the eternal life. 27 II You say that Peter is a lea- der of our church, you can show thing to say that it is the key given to Peter? Who teach you to do the dead works? 28 But if you reject way of New Birth way said by Peter, how can you go to heaven? 29 So if every man is Born Again not from the mortal 1 seed but from the immortal seed, which is the eternal word of God, 30 then understand that they will enter heaven certainly and live with the not Born Again and reli- gious people will be thrown into the lake of fire on the day of Jud- gment according to the apostles preaching is true. I, Myself, upon 62 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the whole world and charged shall judge the all at that day” – this is the Word of God, the con- suming fire The living house in which God dwells 31 II God, the consuming fire, said like this about the entering the heavenly kingdom of God understand it – 32 “A Man found the spots, swelling eruption, scar in a house built by the not human hands. 33 He brought a skillful surgeon who is man to clean the house. He explained to him about the house. 34 On the appointed day, he came and cleaned the house with pure water. After cleaning it thoroughly, 35 he said that this house is good to be offered as a living sacrifice. 36 In the same way, God says that the Born Again believer is approved and good for God’s dwelling and to enter heaven.” CHAPTER 33 GOD, the consuming fire, speaks yet – “Pope, listen. The time for the appearance of the Savior, whom you are looking for, is near. Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 2 You are waiting for Him. You are living sincerely for Him. So listen can anyone say that His appearing time in the sky has not yet come? No one can say it. So listen - 3 If you want to participate in the glorious feast with Him in the middle sky, then you must be Born Again now and be stable like the house built on the rock with foundation. How can you think that you can enter heaven without being Born Again? Scri- ptures says so clearly – without Born Again can’t enter the heav- enly kingdom, now still you didn’t Born Again. 4 Is not it the Born Again who will be rapture into the sky? If you don’t do that, can anyone es- cape the terrible wrath which I am going to send upon the ea- rth? 5 ‘You are also saying that no one can escape from it? I, Myself, proclaim on this day that you can’t endure the terrible wrath of God, the consuming fire, 6 and I love My children. Which I love you, turn to the apostles preaching. 7 II you are saying - you may ask 1 1 1Peter1:23. Lk 11:27; 2 Lk 11:28. 63 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD what about Mary, the mother of Lord? But God, who is the con- suming fire says about Mary, the mother of Jesus. That is – 8 You should know that she is blessed and honored among all the women. 9 What I said by My Spirit that she was blessed among all gen- erations is true. Can anyone say that she is not blessed? You sho- uld realize that no one can say that. 10 I, Myself, say to you that she is holy Mary and the blessed. However, you shouldn’t forget the word of the Lord. 11 A woman said to the Lord - “Blessed is the mother who gave you birth and nursed 1 you. 12 II He (the Lord) said – “Ble- ssed rather are those who hear the Word of God and obey and do 2 it.” Understand His Almig- hty power and righteousness. 13 While He was appeared here as man, some came and said to Him – 14 Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to speak to you.” 15 He said – you must unde- rstand this–“Who is My mother,