The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 166

52 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN word that comes from the mo- uth 1 of God.” 8 In other place, it is written “the person who is to be cleansed must wash his clothes, shave off all his hair and bathe with water; then he will be ceremonially clean 2 .” He said that -“word of God is the incorruptible seed 3 .” 9 Many of you don’t know that seed is nothing but a plant seed. 10 It is trustworthy and acce - ptable to God that it is through the living word, which is the immortal seed, that the Lord will count us as blameless. 11 The man who lived in Patmos says that the word of the God is stable and unchanging in heaven. Parable of Reaching the Promised Land 12 II God, the consuming fire, says a parable about the New Birth – 13 One man had twelve sons. 14 He loved his eleventh son who was born to him in his old age. He loved him more than all his brothers. He gave him a stra- nge and long robe to him. 15 He was growing with his 1 2 Mt 4:4; Lev 14:8; for the word of God. 3 1 Jh 3:9; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD brothers before his father. But he complained about the unri- ghteous acts of his brothers to his father. 16 He was living sincerely with holiness. He feared God and honored his father. 17 His brothers observed that God gave him many privileges. Therefore, they had jealousy on him. So they beaten him one day and threw him into a waterless pit. 18 He pleaded his brothers to have mercy on him but they were not merciful to him. 19 Finally, they sold him to a for- eign business man. He became a servant and later, as a slave. 20 He faced allegations by loud and stubborn her (lady) and he was thrown into a prison. Since God was with him, he was given many privileges. Finally, he was exalted to a higher position by the king of that nation. 21 As the days passed by, his brothers came to him to save their lives from a severe famine. 22 They did not notice that he was their brother. So they pro- strated before him, who sold the grain to them. Here the seed is symbolic Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 23 They told him -‘Oh Lord, forgive the transgressions of his servants.’ He recognized that tho- se who prostrated before him were his own brothers. 24 He said to them – ‘as you said, I forgave the transgressions you committed against me and I will extend my grace to you. 25 Beyond that, he forgave them all. He said that best things of the land will be yours and your children’s. He accepted them and they lived there for many years. 26 As the way God took them again to the Promised Land, so also the entering the heavenly kingdom of God will take place by New Birth”. CHAPTER 27 OH man? As God’s Spirit revealed through His servants, 2 are you Born Again from the eternal and living word of God to be as the immortal in the imm- ortal kingdom? 3 If you just call yourself as a Chr istian by recording your name in the book (bible) without being Born Again by the abiding word, 4-5 and if you have the Bible knowledge, titles, rewards and recognitions, and if you are not 53 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD counted as blameless by the Lord, the Lord said that day bind his hands and legs and thrown into the lake of fire, he is the son of devil. 6 This fellow preached but he was not Born Again by the inc- orruptible seed which is spoken by My Sprit. 7 So his sins became a bundle. Therefore, he and his father devil and his followers will be tort- ured in the lake of fire forever. He will apply His Almighty po- wer on you. So be Born Again. 8 Alas, the fire will not be que- nched and your soul will not per- ished in hell. That is terrible, gr- eat terrible. These tortures are beyond human knowledge. Woe, Woe, Woe, can you resist God and His word? 9 It is proper for Him to hand over you to the eternal judgment on that day since you have re- jected His grace. 10 God, the consuming fire, says–“turn to Me. I, Myself, am forgiving your sins” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire The Brotherly Love 11 II God, the consuming fire,