The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 157

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN unbelievers as believers by sprinkling baptism at the time of marriage - 4 “Oh children of evil one, who misuse My word and conduct the sprinkling baptism in marriages. You became a reason for wic- kedness, woe to you, and woe to you. 5 How can a man be Born Again whose heart is not changed and have no new nature within him? Baptism should give what persons? 6 Is baptism not for the newly Born Again? How should the baptism be given? 7 Is not by being partakers in your savior’s death burial and resurrection? So what are you doing? 8 You are not the partakers in the experience of your savior’s death and resurrection. You are dragging My innocent sheep into the eternal destruction. My she- ep means those who are Born Again and are ready to be coun- ted as blameless or counted alr- eady as blameless by God.” 9 I say to those who give the sprinkling baptism in marriage by thinking that the sprinkling is the 34 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD baptism – 10 “Forsake your hypocrisy, and your preaching’s. Your father is a liar. Which is the father of lies? 11 If you do this and humble yourself and praying with fasting for the forgiveness of your sins, you will be Born Again by the spirit of God, the consuming fire who forgives the sins of the sinners. 12 I will give you a new life so that you may partake in My eternal life. 13 If you rebel against My word and My servant by hardening your heart and forgetting My warning, 14 you will eat the food which the soldiers of Ahaziah ate. Aft- erwards, I will throw you into the lake of fire to be punished eternally” - this is the Word of God, the consuming fire 15 II Immediately, the Word of God, who is the consuming fire came to me and said – 16 “Oh fake sons, who make the candle into the scissor shape and keep the heat of the candle at the left and right ear and say this is the baptism, 35 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 17 you don’t know My word and it’s meaning, which is purer than milk and snow. 18 I tell you, who think that the baptism is making the ears hot with the candles – 19 repent. I, who changed Jacob as Israel, will also change you as the saints. 20 I will sprinkle the water of My word upon you and I will give you New Birth. I will bring you, who are led astray back into the way. 21 I will make you as heirs of the eternal life, which is you not attain eternal life. I will build your house which is not built on the sand but upon the rock. 22 If you don’t listen and reject My Word, I will take delight in throwing you by My angels into the eternal fire and brimstone like Sodom and Gomorrah”-this is the Word of God, the consuming fire The Prince who showed the grace 23 II Thus, says God, the cons- uming fire with a parable - “The heavenly kingdom of God is like a king who wants to conduct the wedding for His son. 24 He sought for the bone of His 1 Hos 1:3; 2 Lev 16:4; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD son and finally He found a be- autiful lady like Gomer 1 . She wore the dress with different co- lors. They discussed about the marriage issues and decided a date for the wedding. Finally, He was conducting the marriage. 25 The allegation came before the prince that bride committed adultery and became unclean. 26 On the wedding seats, He cleansed her with the holy wa- ter 2 and made her holy and bla- meless without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish 3 . 27 Behold, I said you and forg- ave to you. Further, I had enga- gement to accept you as My wife in the sight of all and He married her. So also the king- dom of God will be”. CHAPTER 16 THE word of God, the cons- uming fire, came to me and said on twenty second heavy noon– 2 God, the consuming fire, says regarding the preacher and his followers who say – ‘How Naa- man, who was with the leprosy, became clean by immersing in the Jordan River for seven ti- mes? 3 In the same way, we should Eph 5:25.