The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 156

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN children will become the orphans, and your wives will become the widows. Your children will be without the marriage. All such will become the orphans. 29-30 They will be cut off like the bulrushes which is grown at the lake. You will know that - I am not be God of injustice and untruth, when you and your fam- ilies will be bond for the eternal judgment” – declared God, the consuming fire The Forgiven King’s workers 31 II Thus says God, the consu- ming fire, said– “the entrance into the kingdom of heaven is like the king’s workers who had the evil desire to rob the diamonds in the king’s palace. 32 When the soldiers caught them, the King forgave them and brought them again into their positions in the kingdom”. CHAPTER 14 GOD, the consuming fire, says about those who pour the oil on the head and rub the whole body with it and say that this is the Aaron’s baptism- 2 “Oh evil preachers, who wear as Aaron coats and attract men 32 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD with law and preach that the baptism is pouring oil, 3 I, Myself, will a controversy with you as God. I, God, the co- nsuming fire, have a work with the preachers who baptize with oil. 4 Your time is at hand. Listen to My rebuke and be Born Again with My corrections. 5 If you cry for the forgiveness of your sins, I, God, the consu- ming fire, Myself will forgive your transgressions and I will keep your sins away from you. 6 I will give you a part in the death and resurrection of the anointed One. I will give you the Inheritance in My kingdom, if you don’t listen and rebel against My word, I have determined this for you – 7 You will not have Manna (wo- rd). You will suffer with hunger and thirst. Finally, you will die and get down to the Hades. 8 As the one drags the dead dog by tying up to a place where men will not walk. 9 I will sweep you and all your things like Achan into the eternal fire” – this is the Word of God, the consuming fire 33 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN The Last one who is a Born Again 10 Again He taught me and said to me – “what do you think? One Man has three sons. 11 He came to the first and said -“Son, I heard that you are disob- edient and not living according to My changed rules. 12 He told him that – you should change your convert from now and live like a new born baby 1 . 13 Then the first said that - I will live like a new born baby but he lived with a foolish mind 2 without repentance. 14 He went to the second and said the same thing. Then the second son said – ‘Father, I will make a decision right now to be Born Again and to live like that. 15 But he too was deceived by the desires of the world. 16-18 Again He went to the third son and said- “My younger son, be Born Again and repent but not like your brothers who gain the world but loses spirit so that you may escape the eternal fire and get the eternal life and entrance into the kingdom.” 19 Then the third son said – “Father, I have many friends in 1 1 Pet 2:2; 2 Deut 32:20; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the world. I have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry 3 .” 20 Therefore, I don’t have time, but later, he understood that it is foolishness to gain the world 4 and lose the spirit. So he has converted. 21 Immediately, he confessed his sinful deeds of his dark life. He is forgiven 5 by the King of eternal kingdom”. 22 Then God asked me about who will be an heir among these three for eternal life by being Born Again and doing God’s will. 23 Then I said - it is the lost son. So He told me that “those who inherit the heavenly kingdom of God are like him”. CHAPTER 15 GOD , the consuming fire, says – “what is the communion bet- ween a believer and an unbeli- ever? 2 God, the consuming fire who shakes the starts and rolls away the sky like a cloth, says about- 3 the children of fallen star, who twist My scripture and turn the Lk 12:19; 4 Lk 9:25; 5 Mt 9:6.