The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 155

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN My word. You, your father and your followers will know that I am the Truth” – this is the word of God, the consuming fire Good foundation stone 43 II God, the consuming fire, preached again like this – “The heavenly kingdom of God is like the good foundation stone 1 which is among the twelve decorated stones. 44 It is like a man who found it and paid for it and built a house with the help of a woman 2 ”. CHAPTER 13 THE Word of God, the cons- uming fire says – on the twentieth morning about those who baptize with a special ointment. 2 – “Oh children of reason of dis- ease, who think that the baptism is applying the ointment to the whole body by using the cotton! Do you think that the baptism is rubbing with cotton? You are workers of iniquity like your father. 3 Your father devil, taught you that the baptism is rubbing the body with the cotton. 4 Listen, you are doing acco- rding to the preaching of your father. Listen to My rebuke and 1 1Peter2:7; 2 Acts16:14. 30 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD be Born Again so that your sins may be cleansed and you may be established on the found- ation. 5 Or else, your corpses will fall on the ground where you are. Your families will be destroyed and changed as the dust places and the dogs dwell there. 6 As the way a man can’t see the excrement of men, so also no one will see at you and your families’ side. 7 The flies, which stay on the excrement, will also stay on you and your children corpses. 8 The dogs will eat your dead bodies. The pigs will pierce your dead bodies. 9 The sons and the daughters of bandicoot, woe to you, who pr- each that the baptism is rubbing the body with the ointment, 10-11 your father is a bandi- coot, he roams in the dirty pla- ces and dirty canals. You are like your father. How can you esc- ape the eternal judgment of God?” – This is the word of God, the consuming fire 12 II Again the word of God, the consuming fire, said to the man of God like this – Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 13 “God, the consuming fire, says about the false preachers, who twist the word, and about the preacher who teach that the baptism is walking under the cloud – 14 I, Myself, will contend with you. Build yourself on the foun- dation of New Birth before you are mad into the pieces by My double edged sword. 15 Oh false preachers, who tea- ch that the baptism is walking un- der the cloud and drag My chil- dren into the eternal destruction, 16 Your father is a magician. Did the cloud die for you? 17 Are you united in the tomb with the cloud? Did the cloud re- surrection for you? Did you have unity along with cloud? 18 Did the cloud break the sting of your death? The sons and da- ughters of a liar, who jump over the wall to twist My word, 19 be ready for the seven years of judgment and the kisses of locusts. I will command the lo- custs, which live in the seas and the oceans, to hurt you severely according to their desire. There is no medicine for their biting. 20 Later, I will tie up your legs, 31 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD hands, your bones with the cha- ins by My angle and I will throw you into the lake of fire. 21 Then the righteous will shine like sun in My kingdom” – this is the Word of God, the consu- ming fire. 22 II Yet the Word of God, the consuming fire, came to me and said – 23 “My God, the consuming fire which gives birth, and make to death, says about the children of apostate who baptize under the flag and about their preac- hers- 24 Listen to My preaching and be Born Again. Have the foun- dation of the living word and become the saints. 25 If you rebel against My tea- ching, as I, the Creator, determ- ined for you, 26 you will be trampled like the torn flag. I will smite you like the moth which eats the cloth. 27 You will become the food for the moth which I will send upon you. Oh, children of Evil one, you are trampling My word under your foot. 28 You are rebelling against My anointed one. Therefore, your