The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 151

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 3While I was seeing, I saw a pr- eacher who was preaching the word to those who are ready to take baptism and he said like this 4-5 those who want to be bap- tized, if you kneel down, I will give baptism with oil. So he po- ured half liter of oil on their heads. When he said that this is a bapti- sm of Aaron, they all were plea- sed. 6 II The Spirit of God, the consu- ming fire, lifted me and took me to a far town and kept me at a busy cross road. 7 When I was moving at the cro -ss road, the Spirit of God, inspi- red me to attend the wedding which was taking place nearby. I sat on a chair along with the guests. Then I saw one thing. 8 That is- the preacher, who is conducting the wedding, wore as Aaron’s coat with belt and head cap. 9 Both the bride groom and bri- de were getting ready to be bap- tized. And he said - 10-12 those who participated of this wedding, I am basing this baptism on the word that a beli- ever must not marry an unbeli- ever. The girl is a believer and 22 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD the boy is an unbeliever. So I am going to baptize the unbelie- ving bride groom in the presence of you all.’ He sprinkled the wa- ter for three times on his head. He said that this is a wedding baptism. Moreover, he said that an unbeliever will become a beli- ever by marriage. So he condu- cted the wedding. 13 II God’s spirit lifted me from there and took me to the other place which is the building. When He kept me there, I was hearing all the teaching preached there. 14 Then a preacher said – ‘Oh church members, we have given baptisms for more than hundred people and added them to the church. Then he said to those who are baptized to come. 15 When he commanded them to come one after another, hun- dred people come and stood in a row. 16-17 The preacher took two tall candles and kindled them with fire. And he was keeping the candle near the left and right ear. He said that this is the fire baptism of which John the Bap- tist said. He did the same for hundred people and added them Salvation Through BORN AGAIN to the church (that is false church actually). 18 II Since the hand of God, the consuming fire, is upon me, I was taken fast to the river shore. 19 When I looked at the river, I saw a group which is ready to be baptized. They get down into the river for baptism. 20 The preacher, who is baptiz- ing, immersed each one for seven times in the water. 21 After he came out from the water, he said ‘saints, you have been cleansed as saints like Na- aman.’ 22 As Naaman was healed from his leprosy after he immersed for seven times in Jordan River, so also your sins are forgiven. This is a baptism of Naaman. 23 God had rested on the seve- nth day from all his works. He said that – you also immersed for seven times in the water and got the forgiveness for your sins. 24 II The Spirit of God, the cons- uming fire, lifted me and took me to a temple which is in height of banyan tree. 25 I saw in that place, the prea- cher said to those who determ- ined to take baptism, ‘Oh belie- 23 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD vers, I will baptize you and I proclaim that I have joined you in the church. 26 He sprinkled the perfume and water on those who came forward to be baptized. He said that he was blowing the Holy Spirit upon them. 27 He said that this is a blowing baptism and he proclaimed that they were baptized. And the people clapped and rejoiced for it. They filled their stomach with cakes and drank fully. 28 II The Spirit of God, the con- suming fire, took me from that place and led me to other group. 29 All of them in gathering sang loudly. As they were singing, the sound of musical instruments was like the program of Nebu- chadnezzar’s idol installation. 30 Later, their preacher got up and said – the children who are ready for baptism, all of you sit on the right side. He told the women and men to sit on the right side in two rows. Then he told all of them – 31 Listen, what I am saying to you when the musical instrume- nts were played forcibly, the Spirit will descend forcibly upon