The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 150

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 20 to be baptized completely. He preached like this and they had feasts with cakes (garelu) in their gathering. CHAPTER 9 Good Apostle YET God , the consuming fire said about being Born Again - “one young man was disobe- dient 1 to his Father. He rebelled and was living with thieves and murderers. 2 Many were robbing money. They were eating, drinking and enjoying 2 with games. 3 His co - men fell on him and beaten him. They took his cloths and money from him. 4 When he was expelled out of his house, he was without food and water for three days. He was half dead 3 . 5 Then one Christian preacher, who went by that side, saw him. He told him to pray to God and just went by. 6 Likewise, one earthly wise man 4 came to that place and said – those who lack of wisdom and rebel against their father will have the same consequences. So he told him to eat fully and bear it and went by. stood at the side where the clo- uds shade comes. As the cloud shade falls on them, they ran under it as deer pants about the clouds for the water brooks. 13 I saw in my vision that a pre- acher said whoever goes first under that cloud shade will be baptized though the cloud. 14 The Spirit of God took me down from the mountain. When the Spirit of God led me to the Down of the mountain, I saw one more thing. 15 That is- two tall men were holding the flag in their hands. I heard that they were the elders of the church. 16 The flag was in the white color. The cloth was covered by an olive stick. A cross was stitc- hed to it in red color. 17 When I saw in my vision, the- re were many people. One pre- acher held the bible in his hand and stood among them- 18-19 He was preaching the innocent sheep that those who want to be baptized should go under flag thrice, First time for the Father, Second time for Son and third time for Spirit. They should go thrice under the flag 1 Prov 1:8; 2 1 Sam 30:16; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 3 Lk 10:30; 4 1 Cor 1:20. 21 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 7 In the same way, one scholar came there and opened his book. He said that - your father is lau- ghing about you. 8 Your father left you in your diff- iculties and troubles. So go thro- ugh them. 9 He told him that if I help you, I too will get the punishment. So he left him. 10 But one apostle 1 was journe- ying to seek His son. Finally, he came to the place where this man was fallen. When he found that he was His son, he had mercy 2 on him. When he came to him, the son understood that it was his Father who was coming to him. 11 He said –Father,I am a terrible sinner. I did not listen to Your words but rebelled against You. So I am worthy for this punish- ment. He cried bitterly with tears and tried to stop his Father. 12-13 His Father came to him and said, ‘My son! I, even I, am he who blots 3 out your transgre- ssions, for My own sake, and remembers your sins no more which you committed against Me.’ 14 From the sole of his foot to the top of his head there is no 1 Heb 3:1; 6 Jh 4:14; 2 Lk 10:34; 7 1 Sam 30:12; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD soundness for His son but rather he had only wounds and welts 4 and open sores, not cleansed or bandaged or soothed with oil. 15 And He understood that he was without food for three days. He gave him the bread of life 5 and water of life 6 . Moreover, He gave him one piece of fig and two wine branches from the wilderness. 16 While he was eating, He po- ured the oil and wine upon the sores and, cleansed, welts bou- nded and, He made to him rev- ived 7 . 17 Many secrets about God’s kingdom are revealed. He was carried on the eagle wings 8 and again went into His glorious kingdom. In the same way, one should enter into the heavenly kingdom of God by being Born Again”. CHAPTER 10 THE Spirit of God, the con- suming fire, lifted me up and kept me in a valley among the people and made me walking. I saw one thing. 2 In my vision that I saw some people those who are ready for baptism. Isa 43:25; 8 Exo 19:4. 4 Isa 1:6; 5 Jh 6:35;