The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 141

2 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN repented and confessed his sins. But he wasn’t heartfully repent but acted. 15 The King called the second son and asked ‘I heard that you are disobedient to My command and committing adultery 1 ? What can you prove in this offence? He told him to prove your innoc- ence in the presence of ministers. 16 Then he thought in his mind that – my father came to know about my adultery. So what can I do? 17 He thought to flatter try to ple- asing his father and I will live ac- cording to the word. He covered his sin 2 and confessed with mouth it like acting as a wise man. 18 He called the third son and asked- you are like your brothers rejected My commands. You ca- lled your brothers as ‘Raca 3 ’ and committed murder. Did I not see it? 19 Prove your honesty in this off- ence? Then the third son was like his brothers – 20 my father saw the murders I committed. So he thought to fla- tter and make confess his sin craftily to get rid of the punish- ment. 1 Mt 5:28; 6 Lk 16:19; 2 Prov 28:13; 7 Isa 62:3; 3 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 21 He called the fourth son and said – I, Myself, have inquired about you and found out that you are preaching from the book craftily and leading My children astray from the way 4 . 22-23 He asked him ‘What do you have to prove yourself in this offence?’ Then the fourth son th- ought in his mind-‘my father ca- me to know the preaching 5 what I preached. So I can’t escape.’ He thought to confess his sin with his lips (mouth) and pleaded Him. 24 Later, He called the fifth son, who is the deceive which means believe in religion then, sixth son, who is a greedy 6 , then seventh son who is the political leader 7 , then eighth son who is a wise of this world 8 , 25 and then ninth son, who is a blasphemer of God, The king made them to stand in a row and for checked their accounts. 26 They all were confessing their sins with their mouth but they did not take up the newness with in them. 27 The last son was left out. So He called him and asked – ‘My son, I have found Myself that Mt 5:22; 8 Jam 3:15. 4 Jh 14:6; 5 Jh 7:16; 3 Salvation Through BORN AGAIN you are fleshly and are committing sins more than all of your bro- thers. You are against My name which saves. You are ready for destruction.’ 28 King questioned him – ‘what is your witness in this offence?’ Then the tenth son trembled and came to the king with weeping. He fell down and washed the feet of the Almighty king with his tears 1 . 29 He confessed his sins and tra- nsgressions one by one with a sincere heart and repentance. He said that – I will not leave your feet of my father like Jacob until you forgive and make me holy (not impute sins). 30-31 Then his Father realized that he was seeking for forgive- ness with a broken heart 2 care- fully 3 . Father said that I am forgi- ving your sins and will never rem- ember 4 them. He made him to holy and counted him as not im- pute sins.. 32 He told him – ‘your sins were forgiven and you are redeemed. 33 You are like a righteous man 5 . You are shown mercy. So from now follow My commands with- out sinning 6 . Remember the pa- 1 2 2 Cor 7:10; 6 Jh 5:14; Gen 3:21; yment made on behalf of you a- nd live accordingly. He holds up with embraced him and called His servants and said to them - 34 ‘Bring the Eden cloth 7 and wear it to him. Wear ring 8 to his finger and give sandals to his feet. Bring the slaughtered she- ep 9 and eat and enjoy. 35 This son was born again so that he may enter into My king- dom. Then the king and angels 10 were happy. 36-37 Later, He was angry and asked the solders ‘where are the remaining nine? Bind their hands and legs and throw them, their towns and all that they have into the eternal fire like Achan 11 .’ They did likewise. 38 It is those who are born aga- in from above and counted as blameless by the Lord will be the heirs of the glorious God’s kingdom”. 39 He who has ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the chur- che and be ready! CHAPTER 2 WHAT it is to be Born Again? How to be Born Again? 2 What is the Blessed Life?- 3 Ps 51:17; 7 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 4 Prov 1:28; 8 Esth 8:2; Isa 43:25; 9 Jh 1:29; 10 Lk 15:7; 5 Mt 27:19; 11 Josh7:26.