The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 137

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN and workers sent – the workers started their work as per the orders, walking all the fields in the fort - searching in every town of the country, other trees - gen- tiles, removes the waste trees – sent away the gentiles from that country, 37 So those guards and worke- rs went like that – the workers of the president went on the mission, they did like that - sent those who entered lawlessly, cleaned fort to the eternal king – the country is cleaned from all the sins, and finally it is given for their king the country is made for God, the consuming fire to live. 38 With the help of His spirit – the parable revealed by the God’s spirit, meaning of this par- able – the interpretation of this parable, one who has the ears– if anyone can understand by hearing this, man should know the meaning of this- that man will understand the real meaning of this. CHAPTER 71 THE one who reads this book should say that God’s kingdom should prosper and prosper. And the listener should say Amen. The 258 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD both should say that glory to the King of kings and Saviour (Lord Jesus). 2 As the reader, who reads this book, say that gospel should pr- osper and prosper; the listener should agree with it and say ‘Amen’. 3 Let the reader say that the glory to the Lord Jesus who overcame death. And the listener should say ‘Amen.’ 4 Let the reader say that the sp- iritual revolution should prosper and prosper. And the listener should say ‘Amen’ loudly. 5 Let the reader say that the glory to the Lord Jesus who gives the eternal life. And the listener should say ‘Amen’. 6 Let the reader say that the glory to Jesus who gives the new birth and forgive sins. And the listener should say ‘Amen’. 7 The reader must say that the kingdom of Satan should perish! And the listener should say Am- en. 8 May the reader say that the kingdom of sin should perish! And the listener should say Am- en. 9 The false preaching’s should Salvation Through BORN AGAIN perish and perish. And both the reader and listener should say perish, another say Amen. They 259 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD both should say glory to the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen!