The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 118

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN that the swarming locust has eaten, “I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the destr- oyer, and the cutter, My great army, which I sent among you”. The whole crop was eaten. Then you will not be ashamed. 77 Wherever you faced disho- nor and whoever dishonored you will honor you back and bow their head before you. You will get double the honor from them. Then other countries will know that God, the consuming fire is behind you and He is protecting your safety and wellbeing. God, the consuming fire has given you the promise. Who can cancel that promise? The command has come from His mouth. Who can make it futile?” – This is the Word of God, the consuming fire CHAPTER 64 Satan plaintiff against US YET, also on two thousand seventeen, second month, sixte- enth day, when I was in home, the hand of God, the consuming fire came upon me, I was in the Spirit and I saw this vision. 2 What it is - Satan has become the plaintiff and made the char- 220 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ged against America. Yes, the Satan has became the plaintiff and he got the control over the judges in that country, all this I saw in the vision of Spirit so cle- arly. 3 Yet the hand of God, the con- suming fire is on me and as I was in the Spirit, I saw this vision. These are the events happened in the heaven, which I saw - 4 The golden hammer of law of His word is in the hand of God, the consuming fire and the furious words of coming from His mout- h order, order, order, order, or- der, order, order and this sound is clearly made on the desks of every judge (table’s of Judges) in the supreme court of America and also in every court. This I saw very clearly. 5 Then - I said, O my lord! O lord of each and everybody soul! The Judgment and the truth come from you. You are one who comes to this land as the truth and the life. You are the visible form of truth and life in the world! I cannot understand the visuals I saw now. I pray you, my lord, to show your firm and long lasting mercy on me and Salvation Through BORN AGAIN explain me what all this is meant. I prayed and bow down before Him. 6 After five days, the Word of God, the consuming fire is heard by me and the word said like this – The visuals you have seen are related to the Supreme Court in America including every court of law. 7 Because - these courts were silent regarding everything with sinful deeds presented by the political leaders and presidents, as per their wishes without any discretion, they have promoted the sins, all of them are silent rega- rding matters related to God and promoted by being silent towards all the acts against god’s words and gospel. 8 By saying that all are equal and same before the constitution, they have promoted sins and did abo minable before God, so what you have seen is related to these things only. 9 Yet God, the consuming fire is asking every judge and every court in America like this – O judges in America! The ultimate justice is in the hands of God, the consuming fire who is telling abo- 221 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD ut you like this. 10 The political leaders are pre- senting a lot of sinful acts, the dee- ds that are condemned as against the gospel, against the Holy Bible. I am seeing all the sins with My eyes very clearly. 11 May people became drunk- ards and they made their homes like the wine shops, why this ch- ange has happened? The deba- uchery is happening in many places, quarrels, power-disput- es, murders and rapes are happ- ening knowingly or unknowingly and you are not taking any action on such happenings, why are you so indifferent with these happenings? 12 Why are you not trying to stop such crimes in the country, by removing them by eradica- ting from the country and protect the lives of young? 13 But someone from you bec- ame the president of this country as per My will and he tries to stop people coming from other countries who will spoil the co- untry by entering in to this cou- ntry, but you are stopping him from doing so? Why do you sto- p such presidential acts? Is it