The Gift of god The Gift of God | Page 110

Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 204 living creatures which came to take his father. 6-7 II In the evening, he prep- ared a coffin box with the scrip- tures on three sides. His father’s body was taken in the evening at six thirty into a peaceful house (tomb) which was built with mix- ed stones. 8-10 The preachers of devil twi- sts the word by saying that it is blessed 1 to remember the right- eous like Pharisees, scribes and false prophets. But God, the con- suming fire said – “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed 2 by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and accepta- ble and perfect will of God. He was obedient to the voice of the Lord. 11 He overcame the schemes of the devil, the angel of darkness, who came in the Lord’s name 12 Moreover, he went forward to decorate the tomb with the living scriptures. 13 He warned the stones-Look at my father be carefully. Or else I will consume your bodies with the hammer of God’s word. I will go for the work of the Lord, after 1 2 Prov 10:7; 6 Rom 11:33; Rom 12:2; 7 1 Cor 11:3; The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD that he knelt and prayed like this- 14 II “Oh shepherd 3 of the glori- ous town and tombs, why did you call 4 my father to eternity? 15 Kindly reveal it to your serv- ant. He said that - from whom the whole family in heaven and on earth derives its name 5 . 16 Oh, depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge 6 of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His paths beyond tracing out! His house which is built for his family is that much great”. 17 II The head of the family is father 7 . So shouldn’t your father enter your house? He worship- ped for that wonderful voice. 18 The world said that his father died. But what does the world know about God’s knowledge? Did his father die? No, not at all. But his father stopped his labor 8 and now he is in rest. 19 The devil blown the trumpet every where that his father died. What does Satan knows about death? He doesn’t know the thing of God but only the things of men. The death is – resting 9 in glory. 3 Jh 14:3; 8 Rev 14:13; 4 Ps 90:3; 9 Lk 16:25; 5 Eph 3:14; Salvation Through BORN AGAIN 205 The Salvation Is The GIFT Of GOD 20 His father crossed two sta- ges and entered the third stage. By the time his father entered the fourth stage, the rocks shall be cry and the tomb stones shall be blasted. 21 Verily, the fact that his father will raise again 1 is surer than the sun rising in the east. 22 II Our heavenly father spoke to his earthly father – Offer your only son 2 , whom you carr- ied on your shoulders. 23 His earthly father spoke to our heavenly father –“My son is alone 3 and he is only. 24 How can I given him to you? Yet, let the will of the Lord be done. I will give my son to you. I will give my son. Kindly, accept him”. 25 Our heavenly father spoke to his earthly father – “I have changed your name on that day. 26 I make my covenant with you, now I know 4 that you fear God, since you have not with held your son, your only son, from Me. 27 And God, the consuming fire, did swear with Abraham that through your offspring all nations on earth will be blessed 5 , because you have obeyed My voice.Wise will understand. 28 II Moreover, brethren, I proclaim the gospel to you. You will enter the kingdom of God through the gospel whi- ch leads to born again expe- rience. 29 For what I received I pas- sed on to you as of first impo- rtance that - Christ died for our sins according to the Scr- iptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the thi- rd day according to the Scri- ptures 6 . 30 For we are God’s fellow workers; you are God’s field, you are God’s building 7 . 1 4 Jh 5:28; 6 2 Gen 22:2; 1 Cor 15:1-4; 7 3 Isa 60:22, 1 Cor 3:9. It is said that sons are a heritage from the GOD, (Ps 127:3). Many parents make promises to the Lord that they will offer their first child to the service of God. But they fail to keep their promises. If the reader made such a promise to the Lord, the author requests you to examine. And the reader must not fail to keep his word. CHAPTER 63 Parable of BREXIT THE Word of God, the con suming fire came to me in the morning on 24th June, 2016 and said like this - man of God, Gen 22:12; 5 Gen 22:18;