The Ghent Review Volume1, Number 1, summer 2016 | Page 11

rounded by all weathers is my ancient of days the roaming clouds as if by his command split this afternoon's westering light into a pair of golden compasses they describe a circle round our sky our townlands and our homeplaces the field last summer the field boxed in by clipped hedges was carefully tended from a distance it looked manicured you'd take it for the lawn of some great estate a flock of gleaming sheep shorn and equally attended had grazed it clean this year they planted a for sale sign in the field it has remained ungrazed time for silage making has long since passed and the long grass its nervy filaments bend rhythmically to the slights of wind auguries of the seasons here and there pioneers trees and meadow seedlings have already taken root nature's mood for motley mocking the old regime