The General Data Protection Regulation UK Spelling | Page 16

About Invenias

Invenias is the world ’ s leading provider of cloud-based software solutions to the executive search profession . With offices and hosting centres across Europe , the US and Asia , Invenias has over 800 customers globally and supports thousands of users across sixty countries . Customers include global executive search firms , strategic recruitment firms , in-house executive recruitment teams , and executive talent organisations within Private Equity and VC firms .
Invenias has a strategic global alliance with the AESC , and customers include leading searchs firms such as Norman Broadbent , Sheffield Haworth , Stanton Chase , The Miles Partnership and Zygos Partnership as well as leading organisations such as Expedia , General Atlantic , Royal Bank of Canada , Samsung , Tesco and Tesla Motors .
For further information on Invenias please visit www . invenias . com or email insight @ invenias . com .
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