The Gazette Lanzarote Jan 2014 | Page 55

YOU CAN DO IT! “In 2015 I will learn a language” you’re talking! l FALSE FRIENDS False friends are notorious among language learners for providing some of the most hilarious situations. That´s because a false friend is a word in one language that sounds so similar to a word in the speaker´s own tongue that they decide to use it – not knowing that it has a completely different meaning. Many false friends just tend to muddy the speaker’s meaning a little. For example, when an English speaker tries to say “I´m English, actually” and comes out with “actualmente, soy ingles”, what they´re actually saying is “I´m English at the moment.” In the same vein, the Spanish word “simpático” does not mean “sympathetic”, it means “friendly, likeable.” But false friends can cause some real trouble. If an elderly lady in shop tells you she is “muy constipada”, she will be as horrified as you if you recommend a laxative. All she´s saying is that her nose is blocked. Even if you do find yourself blushing due to a false friend, don´t make matters worse by saying y