The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Batman: Arkham Special Edition | Page 69

sense of style to proceedings that made this iteration stand out from its peers. still (based on our short time with the game) present in this title, and players familiar with the franchise will have no trouble in picking this up and fighting like a pro. Batman’s gadgets will also make an appearance and can be found scattered throughout the game. Our demo was, presumably, set in the early part of the game and our inventory limited; but we had the Grapnel Gun allowing us access to out-of-the-way locations and the ability to tear open hard to reach air vents. Of course, a significant effect of the move away from the 3D environment is the loss of a fully open, explorable environment and, if the short section we played is any indication, Blackgate will play very much as a linear experience. It’s a lamentable loss, as a significant part of the Arkham experience was tied into the exploration and discovery element (Riddler trophies anyone?). Blackgate attempts to alleviate this loss by introducing several hidden locations to find. It’s not the same, but it’s a nod in the right direction. To assist you in finding these hidden locations, and in solving the various puzzles throughout the game, detective mode makes a welcome We also enjoyed the cut scene sections, which in Blackgate are presented as in a comic board style as opposed to full-motion cinematics. While this steps away from the style of the home console series, they were well designed and injected a fresh 69 • GameOn Magazine Batman Arkham Special Edition