The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Batman: Arkham Special Edition | Page 66

Although primarily a combat gadget, the Shock Gloves were demonstrated to have other uses that will benefit exploration and puzzle solving - namely the ability to restore power to uncharged electrical devices and machinery. We also saw some more footage of the Remote Claw in action, which Batman uses to target two objects and pull them towards each other. Used in combat, this gadget causes two targeted enemies to smash into each other, or can be used to propel an object towards an enemy. The Remote Claw was also used to solve several environmental puzzles, and to create a wire walkway that Batman can use to reach out66 • GameOn Magazine of-the-way locations or set ambushes. At the end of the demonstration we saw Batman confront Firefly and, upon hitting him with his Grapnel Gun, he was dragged through the air in a short scene which left him battered and bruised. The demo faded out before combat could begin, but it was clear that Firefly is going to be no pushover and that a substantive boss battle is likely. Also shown at gamescom was an exclusive DLC bonus available to players who preorder Batman: Arkham Origins. This additional content features an extra challenge map, in which a player-controlled Deathstroke will face off against 100 Batman Arkham Special Edition