The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Batman: Arkham Special Edition | Page 28

disappearing back into the shadows whilst the others check the area: these parts are just so satisfying. Surprisingly, these moments remain fun all the way through the game and crop up enough to stop the game from becoming repetitive, but don’t occur too often that they become unwelcome and annoying. Alongside stealth, Batman is also very good with his fists. The fluid hand-to-hand combat system of Arkham Asylum returns once more and has a few new additions to it that make it feel brand new. Gadgets are now better integrated with the system and using Batarangs, explosives and the Batclaw, is easier than it has ever been thanks to the fact that all of these apparatus have hotkeys assigned so you can take them out and use it on the fly. The fact that combat consists of a grand total of four buttons (attack, counter, stun and jump/evade) is brilliant and allows new players to take down foes with ease. Like most games, Arkham City is not perfect and the enemies you fight are one of the games very, very few negatives: sometimes it’s not exactly fair. Enemies with riot shields and knives do spice it up a bit and require you to use tactics to win but it can become frustrating when you’re trying to take down one enemy but a guard with a massive crate decides to throw it at you at the same time. I understand that it’s meant to be fast but a little breathing time every now and then would be very welcome in my opinion. Fans of Arkham Asylum will remember that the game was semi-open-world: Arkham Island was there to explore but it was more one big courtyard with a few buildings you could explore. In the sequel, this has been expanded: Arkham City is a fully open world to explore and explore it you will want to. The world feels very believable and lived in and is highly atmospheric. Debris blows around the streets, destruction caused by the prisoners is everywhere and shouting in the distance all contributes 28 • GameOn Magazine Batman Arkham Special Edition