The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Batman: Arkham Special Edition | Page 14

of), Hugo Strange is a normal individual, compared to the other psychotic villains, that is. He’s one of the few opponents who really gets inside Batman’s head, a point exemplified in Arkham City by his Big Brother-esque overwatching attitude. His role in the games is actually a bit of a let down by the end of it. His character and use in the Batman comics, however, is a cut above the rest. In Origins, you’re unlikely to see his return which, considering his exposure in City, is probably for the best. Penguin First Appearance: Detective Comics #58 (1941) A truly classic Batman villain, the kind that almost everyone has heard of. He’s had some incredible depictions over the years, perhaps most iconically in the original Batman TV series. Cobblepot fits perfectly into the Batman universe due to his notable lack of natural powers; but like many of the characters in the series he relies on brains, not brawn, to settle his feud with the Bat. He’s confirmed for Arkham Origins, but we don’t know what role he’ll play just yet. Ra’s and Talia al Ghul First Appearances: Batman #232 (1971) & Detective 14 • GameOn Magazine Comics #411 (1971) The deadly father-daughter duo are true DC universe big guns. Talia’s odd relationship with Bats means she’s one of the most confusing characters in the whole series. The Arkham franchise does away with the confusion and presents her as the classic ‘evil Talia with not so secret feelings’. Ra’s is actually one of the best characters in the whole series, and is brilliantly voiced by Dee Bradley Baker. His overarching role in the main plot is a great mystery and the big battle with him towards the end of the game is great fun. However, if you think you killed him off then you may want to think again. If you return to where his body was pinned against the Arkham gate, you’ll find that it has disappeared. Of course, there are a whole host more, too many to go into detail on. Poison Ivy is a key character in the first game and has some great boss segments. Clayface provides the final battle of Arkham City, even if it’s not a great one. The Mad Hatter has a Batman Arkham Special Edition