The GameOn Magazine - Free Special Editions Batman: Arkham Special Edition | Page 11

Mr Freeze First Appearance: Batman #121 (1959) A personal favorite; Victor Freis is the classic story of an honest man going to horrible lengths to save the woman he loves. It makes him a brilliant character to portray, even Arnie managed to convey some kind of emotion as Mr Freeze (top tip: google ‘Batman and Robin the musical’). Mr Freeze’s boss fight in Arkham City is actually pretty good and he’s also a well voiced villain who plays an interesting part in the story. He may not make a return in Origins, but he’ll always be the most emotional of Batman’s foes. Bane First Appearance: Batman: Vengeance of Bane #1 (1993) Batman’s bane is arguably one of the most famous big guy villains in comic book history. He may not be the most intricate and intriguing character, but he provides a deal of memorable moments. Not least of which when he breaks Batman’s spine. The Arkham version is akin to the comic character, despite Tom Hardy’s brilliant spin on B