The Fort Issue 07 November 2020 | Page 8

may show. Be on the lookout for signs like sadness, excessive worry, anxiety, social withdrawal and extreme mood swings.

Some signs and symptoms may direct you towards a specific mental health disorder. Symptoms directed towards anxiety, most common among teens, include: panic, fear, uneasiness, sleep problems, not being able to stay calm and still, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and nausea.

Most common causes of mental health issues

Bullying, stress and eating disorders are among the main causes of mental health issues at school. Bullying can come in various forms including: verbal, physical, social and cyber bullying. It is heartbreaking to say that students who experience bullying are at higher risk of depression, and anxiety and unfortunately some may resort to self-harm.

Stress is another mental health issue which alot of teens are faced with. Some stress may be caused due to pressure from parents to succeed and some may be casued due to the workload at school. We should all have our own coping mechanisms to deal with stress. Moreover, it is very important to prevent such stress ourselves. When it comes to stress due to the exams or the workload students could prevent such stress by getting themselves organised, setting a realistic plan, managing their time, start studying earlier and ensuring that they get enough sleep.

Peer pressure is another cause of mental health disorders. Although you may not realise sometimes a small comment that you pass to your friend may affect them very much. Many pre-teens and teens suffer from eating disorders. The main cause for such disorders is mainly society. Most commonly we have anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Anorexia nervosa is the intense fear of gaining weight and the distorted perception of weight. On the other hand bulimia is binge eating and then purging the food so as to loose the calories. Such mental health issues could have very severe conseqeunces.

Worldwide 10-20% of children and adolescents experience mental disorders.


Did You Know?


caused due to pressure from parents to succeed and some may be caused due to the workload at school. We should all have our own coping mechanisms to deal with stress. Moreover, it is very important to prevent such stress ourselves. When it comes to stress due to exams or workload, students could prevent such stress by getting themselves organised, setting a realistic plan, managing their time, start studying earlier and ensuring that they get enough sleep.

Peer pressure is another cause of mental health disorders. Although you may not realise sometimes a small comment that is passed onto a friend may affect them very much. Many pre-teens and teens suffer from eating disorders. The main cause for such disorders is mainly society. Most commonly we have anorexia nervosa and bulimia. Anorexia nervosa is the intense fear of gaining weight and the distorted perception of weight. On the other hand bulimia is binge eating and then purging the food so as to loose the calories. Such mental health issues could have very severe conseqeunces.