The Fort Issue 07 November 2020 | Page 25

spotlight on

News from the English Department

This semester in the English department we have been exploring a range of global ideas and activities. In Middle School the grade 6 students have been studying conflict and the novel ‘War Horse’ by Michael Morpurgo. Students researched the historical context of the war and on Nov 11th they were taught about Remembrance Day commemorations along with reading poetry written by WWI soldiers. In grade 7, students have analysed the ways in which giving

characters freedom is not only a useful device for experimenting with plot, but also a way of exploring how people might really behave if not bound by normal rules and laws. Grade 8 students explored a variety of challenges and how to overcome them. Some of the activities covered included exploring different types of challenges through short stories, autobiographies, music presentations and writing from another perspective. The MS students are also being encouraged to improve their reading skills through the Newsela programme which provides a variety of choice articles and activities.

Scientists at Work!

In spite of all Covid restrictions, science learning has continued at Verdala. In secondary school, students have been engaged in learning about all aspects of science - from practical work to learning about literacy in science.

Our grade 6 classes have been introduced to science while learning all about ecosystems and the environment. Usually, this class is taken on a field trip but this year we learn about habitats by walking

around our own school, taking samples and throwing quadrats. We worked out food chains and food webs through hands-on activities and learnt about animals that are in danger of becoming extinct.