The Fort Issue 05 Feb 2020 | Page 11

The third Saturday was even more demanding. Melita and her brother, as usual, started their journey after breakfast, but that day there was a heavy downpour. It was raining and raining and raining. The road that was once made of stones and dust was now made of mud and puddles. With much effort, care and perseverance the brothers walked 9 kilometers. They took much longer, and Melita was already very tired, she had blisters on her feet. That day there were no butterflies neither lizards, and it did not stop raining. Melita was very upset and started to cry. Her brother hugged her tightly, and they decided to rest under a tree. Melita noticed that Chris had not brought the water bottle this time. Melita looked at him and asked him with uncertainty “Do we have apple and water today?” Chris answered and smiled “Where's your water?"

Her brother took a small bottle of water out of his jacket, again this time, handed it to Melita and asked her “ Are you really going to walk this far every day because you want to go to school? You are definitely resilient, little sis!" Melita smiled at him not understanding very well what her brother was trying to say.

“Yes, mom… I am relisient!!!" Melita said. “Resilient!" the mother corrected.

Then, the father said “It will be done!... Melita, next month you will go to school".

Melita’s grandmother hugged her with affection and told her: “You are already big girl Melita, you will go to school".

That same night, Melita planned with her brother to do walking tests every Saturday to overcome the distance because Melita knew that the road to Pembroke was very long and difficult.

For three Saturdays, Melita, helped by Chris, tried to cover little by little her way to get to the school. Melita decided to keep her new white shoes in a box, put it at the back of her closet, and she would

only open it on the first day of school.

So, the first Saturday, Melita and her brother had breakfast at 8 o'clock, and took the road to the school. Melita put on some old shoes and held proudly Chris’ hand.

That first Saturday, they walked 3 kilometers to school. It was sunny and the little birds and butterflies were fluttering around. They stopped on a flat rock to rest. Chris took out a big bottle of water and two apples. They drank water and ate the two apples together. On the way back, Melita got home very tired, but happy to have managed to walk 6 kilometers, and of course, Melita slept the whole afternoon.

The second Saturday, they walked 6 kilometers heading to Pembroke. It was more difficult this time. Melita was exhausted from jumping rocks and scaring off wild dogs. It was time to rest. Her brother took out some water and shared it with Melita. “And the apple?". Her brother answered “Where is your apple? You did not bring it, did you?”. Melita looked at him. Chris took his apple, broke it in half and gave one half to Melita. On the way home, Melita was very tired and hungry. So, a little upset and very quiet, she ate her lunch and went to her bedroom to sleep while grumbling about the neighbor's dog that had frightened her on the way.