The Fort Issue 04 Nov 2019 | Page 15

Last week the Verdala MUN delegation left to participate in GOMUN at Gymnázium Omská in Prague. The conference started on Friday 8th of November and ended on Monday 11th of November. We arrived at Prague on Thursday, a day before the start of the conference. On Friday, we went to the General Assembly Hall, where the opening ceremony commenced. During the opening ceremony many guest speakers came to speak to us, such as: Pavla Gomba, director of UNICEF, Czech Republic, Michal Broza, which works in the UN in areas of global communication and UN Peacekeeping missions as well as Ladislav Jelen, which is the Coca Cola representative in the Czech Republic.

Afterwards the general secretary announced the start of the conference by his hammer! After locating our respective committees we moved to our conference rooms and started our icebreakers and later we left with our committees to the city and ate in our committees, which concluded our first day of the conference.

Saturday and Sunday we officially started debating on our respective topics. Everyone, representing their own country, addressed the issues at hand in respect to their countries own personal ties and foreign policy. We rounded off our committee conferences with a Gala on Sunday night, where all our delegates dressed up and reflected on the two days in our conferences.

Monday, the final day of the conference, approximately all 250 delegates assembled at the General Assembly in order to pass the resolutions we passed in our respective committees. All delegates from Verdala had the courage to stand at the podium in order to project their own countries beliefs in the respective topics. Then, after many days with long hours, the awards were finally to be presented. Whereby, out of the 7 possible best delegate awards and out of the 250 delegates present, 3 people from our delegation received the best delegate award! Finally, after receiving our awards the General secretary after a long and tiring conference, declared the conference ended. After venturing the center of Prague, we finally returned to our hotel, ready to return to Malta.

Everyone from our school will all agree that this was not only tiring and a great challenge, but a conference filled with great memories and experiences which we will be able to use in the future!

Natascha Storf Gr 12

Jack-Rory Steenkamer Gr 11

We did not fix the problem, but we hope we contributed a bit to

the solution.

Prague GOMUN 2019 Experience