The Fort Issue 01 | Page 2


"By visualizing the future, whether it is good grades, aiming to bring all the correct stuff to school or simply making a friend, we channel our minds towards taking action and have already taken a step in the right direction."

It’s common knowledge that a successful organization is one that knows where it is headed. As a school we regularly speak to the students about “beginning with the end in mind”, know what your goal is whether it is a daily “what do I want to get done today or by the end of this week” or “what do I hope to achieve by the end of the year”. As educators, we ask the students to look beyond the now (quite difficult for a young person) and imagine what the future will look like (even harder unless you are a dreamer).

By visualizing the future, whether it is good grades, aiming to bring all the correct stuff to school or simply making a friend, we channel our minds towards taking action and have already taken a step in the right direction. In the IPC and IMYC, the entry and exit points are a mini version of this exercise. In High School, it can become more exam-focused and stepping away from the pressure of that examination and identifying learning skills that need to be improved can lead to more individual success. I encourage parents to talk to their child about what they hope to achieve this year, moving away from general statements such as “better grades” and leading the conversation into practical aspirations such as “get all my homework done on time” or “write really detailed science assignments”.


Ms. Totty Aris - Head of School