The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 2 | Page 34

Words from

the Water

I had an outing about a month back in which I had one of the toughest days on the water I think I had ever had. Every fish that hit would not stick or when I thought I had them finally the leader would pull free from my braid. It was getting hard to stay positive, especially when you see everyone else catching around you. What I do know is this at the end of a tough day I have learned something. I just have to go back over the day and look for the things I need to change to make the next trip better. For me it ended up being a simple knot of fluorocarbon to braid line. After some questioning and research I made the change and the next trip ended up with 12 fish landed and no pulled lines. Stay positive and learn each time out this is the key to enjoying your hobbies.

By J Bernier