The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 2 | Page 27

This issue’s cover is product of members of the forum and searching social media for something unique. This month's issue is no different, as you can see this a dream spot shared to us by Matt Bacola. The float tube is the perfect craft for a hike in the Ohio area. As Matt and Jeff LaRoche look for great float tube fishing waters they found this gem which is a old strip mine pit

in Ohio just outside Pittsburgh, PA. Matt and Jeff found this dream spot and realized you cannot bank fish here and so here is where the float tube system comes into play. For the last 3 years now they have enjoyed some great bass fishing in this area, and as you can see it produces more than just bass.

Float Tube fishing is more than just floating on the water it is an adventure and Matt Bacola and Jeff LaRocha know this all too well.