The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 1 | Page 31

Tubin Tip's

ftff news

& events

The Float Tube Fishing Forum is working hard to make sure we are out in front of the public. One of the things we have been working on in a opportunity for a commercial. In the Month of May we will have our first Commercial on the Cable T.V. show the Pursuit Network. This 15 second commercial will air on this network during the Veterans fishing tournament.

All this is possible because of our partnership with The ODAShare site and the mutual sharing of our sites info. We hope this will not be the end of the opportunities. If you have any ideas or would like to help with the promotion of our forum and our sport please be sure to let us know.

Our first full 120 tournament is completely underway and running very well. The tournament will end in April and Prizes will be given out the week after. We would like to hold a discussion of how it all went before of the end of the current event. Please know this is your opportunity to invoke some changes don't miss this discussion.

Sometimes when using your float tubes as much as we do you tend to run into some problems. One of the recent problems discussed online was zippers not working on float tube pockets. This is a problem and because of this some good ideas were shared.

First off if your zipper it disconnected you will need to try and reconnect it or you might need to replace the shall at the worst. But if it is simple a tough to move zipper or it seems to bind up and not move freely. Don't force it simple try one of these quick fixes. Use sewing machine oil on the teeth, just a small amount will get the glide back in your zipper. Or another idea is chapstick. Simple run the chapstick over the teeth of the zipper and run the zipper open and close a few time help things run smooth again.