The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 1 | Page 26

That was it my mind was running wild, Lake Gregory that one spot I had to climb over boulders and under trees just to reach was not reachable from the other side. Big Bear Lake, Silverwood, Puddingstone, Perris new possibilities were opened to me like never before. There was no place I could not fish now, and I would never be a bait and wait fishermen as long as I had my float tube as an option. I continued to test my limits in my browning on various lakes in the area and my confidence began to grow. I was truly finding the benefits of float tube fishing over sitting on shore. Over the past 20 years I have fished a tone from my tube, I have tried new products, new bodies of water, and learned that there are a lot of other people that truly enjoy this type of fishing, Float Tube Fishing. If you have not tried this yet maybe it is time, if you have tried it then you know what I am talking about. There is nothing else like it bing in the water that you are fishing, being so close and intimate with the sport of fishing that so many of us are passionate about.

BY: J. Bernier