The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 1 | Page 16

Fishermen of the Year

Q: Roughly how long have you been fishing, how many of those years have been from a float tube?

A: As long as I can remember, my father was a big part of this as he was the first person to put a fish in my hand. When I was 3 years old and on a trip with my father was the first time I remember feel thing the tug of the fish. I was hooked fishing was now something I wanted more of. As for float tubing and how long I have been fishing from a float tube, well you guys have seen it all. I started March 18th of last year, after learning all I could from the members of the Float Tube Fishing Forum.

Q: What is it that motivates you about fishing, or what drives you to fish?

A: Well all I can say about this is when I am not fishing I desire it. When I am fishing it helps me forget about my week, it’s my reliever. I feel like it is just me and the ocean, and everything else wiped clean. I don’t feel I need to be driven to fish I just need to go.