The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 1 | Page 10


Which is for What

Hooks are very important when it comes to fishing in fact maybe one of the most important parts of fishing. So if they are that important shouldn’t we know more about them. When it comes to bass fishing there are many different worm hooks available on the markets. Let talk about 3 basic worm hook you all know and probably have used before. The Straight worm hook, the wide gap which is the EWG wide gap style and the Round bend wide gap.

All three hooks do the samething, hook fish, but there are some very important differences in each. I like most have started with the straight hook, it is what we picture a hook to really look like. The Straight hook over the year has gone through some great improvements, one of the most important was the added rebarbs. These barbs are nearer the hook eye and there purpose is to hold you worm in place on the hook shaft. Here are a few benefits of the

straight hook. The straight hook slides through cover with ease and better than the other hooks. Also there is no bend or anything to get in the way of you making a positive hookset.