The Fleur De Lis Summer-End Edition 2016 | Page 7


Trinity has launched a new company theme Go Mad: Make a Difference, a theme to encourage Trinity employees to live the company's mission in work and in life and make an impact.

The 'Make a Difference' theme was conceptualized by Stacy Pruitt, director of operations for Trinity. She says that the message was truly divine.

"Go MAD came from Colossians 3:23-24: 'And whatsoever you do, do it heartily, as unto the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.'

The program was officially rolled out in May at town hall meetings across Dogwood Forest communities. The owner of AH & Company, Angela Hatney, spoke to employees about what it meant to Go Make a Difference and challenged employees to find ways to make a greater impact to those around them including within their personal lives.

The theme will continue through the fiscal year

and will be amplified through multiple phases to include recognition and incentives. Trinity

residents and family members will also have the opportunity to participate by recognizing employees who have personally made difference in the resident and family's every day lives.

"I believe that God has placed us in our positions for a reason, and that reason is to Go MAD in the lives of everyone that we come into contact with", Pruitt said. "No matter how small the task we can make a difference in the lives of every resident, team member, family member and vendor that comes into the community. My hope is that not only will team members “GO MAD” at work but they will continue to at home, at the mall or grocery store at schools with their children." Pruitt continued. "Our mission states, 'To change the lives of those we serve for the better' how will we do it? By Going Mad."

The theme will run continue to run through 2017 as part of several new Trinity programs. In December, Make A Difference Heroes across the Trinity portfolio will be recognized for their efforts.

Trinity Launches New Company Theme: Go Make a Difference