The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 148

126 Moshe A. Milevsky the Deputy Director of the Fields Institute. He suggested that I come visit the Institute sometime in 1997 (or perhaps it was 1998.) I attended a few of the financial mathematics seminars and was hooked! The idea behind the IFID Centre, hatched with the help of Tom Salisbury and Ben Schwartz, was to harness the network of mathematicians within the Fields Institute to help solve real-world problems in personal finance and insurance. Yes, there was a lot of advanced mathematics being used in corporate finance and risk management as well as government finance and economics, but the idea was to model and formulate real-world problems that individuals face in their daily life using the language and tools of mathematics. Deep questions in the areas of insurance, pensions, mortgages, retirement income strategies, and asset allocation all had a personal dimension that had been (mostly) unexplored by mathematicians. Indeed, it was all quite innovative and the Fields Institute provided a great home as well as a launching pad for the Fintech company, QWeMA Group, which was sold to CANNEX Financial in 2014. Alas, the landscape in the financial academic research industry has shifted noticeably over the last decade, and there are now many outstanding institutions and University departments led by leading scholars in North America (and globally) with an active research focus on personal investments, retirement income, wealth management, and insurance. Like the IFID Centre, they too are commissioned to write research papers, support graduate and doctoral students, host conferences, give educational presentations, and engage in outreach with the media and popular press. But I like to think we were one of the first in this space, with the help and hospitality of the Fields Institute. Indeed, during our time at the Institute we hosted over 18 conferences and seminars, while writing over 45 research