The Fields Institute Turns Twenty-Five 170725 Final book with covers | Page 105

A Director Is Not a Dictator 83 the current excellence of our institutes. In this respect, Fields has found a solution that seems almost optimal: provincial and federal funding, between them, span the principal components of the Institute’s diverse mission, and the considerable funding from university and private sector stakeholders ensures that their voices contribute to the development of Fields programs. While the first of the two components to the success of Fields, highlighting the advancement of research in mathematics (and, one could add, its contribution to science and to social goals), is a universal mission shared by all institutes worldwide, the second is of particular importance for the mathematical community of a relatively small country. Along with the other mathematics research institutes operating in Canada, Fields has succeeded in connecting the Canadian research community with the international community, and in connecting small, isolated centres to the mainstream community. Furthermore, these connections occurred in a way that neither exhibited condescension nor diminished quality. To give only one example where interacting with the wider world has had an influence: there has been a remarkable flourishing of applied mathematics in Canada in the past twenty-five years, both in mathematical biology where there has long been a distinguished tradition, and in novel areas. I do not claim that this is due solely to the mathematics institutes but, surely, they have helped. Some particular elements of good fortune have helped Fields to distinguish itself. The Institute is in a very attractive building, one that is also well suited to accommodate research visitors. Its venue is at the edge of an attractive and vibrant campus with excellent resources, such as a wonderful library. It is located in the centre of an exciting city, with excellent transportation—important if one wants visitors to come. It has been able to attract and to retain a superb support staff, a point often noted by visitors. In addition, it has been fortunate