The Fate of the Civilian Surge in a Changing Environment | Page 42

61 . A recent example is the 2014 Ebola virus disease response , for which dozens of USAID and State Department staff mobilized to assist the embassies and missions in affected countries .
62 . USAID Home Page , “ The Office of Crisis Surge Support Staff ,” https :// www . usaid . gov / who-we-are / organization / bureaus / bureau -democracy-conflict-and-humanitarian-assistance / office-2 ( accessed March 20 , 2016 ).
63 . Telephone interview with Mark Pickett , Director of the USAID Office of Crisis Surge Support , February 22 , 2016 .
64 . Ibid ., and telephone interview with Neal Kringel , February 24 , 2016 .
65 . For example , Adams and Murray eds ., Mission Creep .
66 . Telephone interviews with Michael Hryshchyshyn , US- AID Office of Civil-Military Cooperation , February 25 , 2016 ; John Agoglia , National Defense University , 3 March 2016 ; and Julie Werbel , former USAID official , February 25 , 2016 .
67 . These include the Commander ’ s Emergency Response Program ( CERP ), Overseas Humanitarian , Disaster and Civic Aid ( OHDACA ) and Humanitarian and Civic Assistance ( HCA ). G . William Anderson and Connie Veillette , “ Soldiers in Sandals ,” in Gordon Adams and Shoon Murray , eds . Mission Creep : The Militarization of U . S . Foreign Policy ? ( Washington : Georgetown University Press , 2014 ), 97-119 .
68 . Interviews with several current and former USAID officials , November 2015 to March 2016 .
69 . Benjamin D . Kauffeld , USAID & DOD : Analysis and Recommendations to Enhance Development-Military Cooperation ( Carlisle , PA : U . S . Army War College Press , August 2014 ), 42 .
70 . Ibid ., 1-2
71 . U . S . Agency for International Development ( USAID ), US- AID Policy on Cooperation with the Department of Defense , ( Washington , DC : USAID , June 2015 ).