The Fate of the Civilian Surge in a Changing Environment | Page 39

35 . Interviews with two former officials of the DOS Office for the Coordinator for Reconstruction and Stabilization ( S / CRS ), Washington , DC , December 4 , 2015 and February 12 , 2016 ; telephone interview with Neal Kringel , February 24 , 2016 .
36 . Telephone interview with a current CSO employee , February 24 , 2016 .
37 . Telephone interview with Michael , USAID Office of Civil-Military Cooperation , February 25 , 2016 ; telephone interview with a former S / CRS official , Washington , DC , February 12 , 2016 .
38 . U . S . Department of State Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations , Conflict Prevention and Crisis Response : Responding to Emerging Instability Overseas ( Washington , DC : U . S . Department of State , June 21 , 2013 ), http :// www . state . gov / documents / organization / 211773 . pdf ( accessed March 19 , 2016 ).
39 . Interview with a former S / CRS and CSO official , February 12 , 2016 .
40 . Department of State , Foreign Assistance Standardized Program Structure and Definitions ( Washington , DC : Department of State , March 18 , 2013 ), http :// www . state . gov / documents / organization / 246744 . pdf ( accessed March 19 , 2016 ).
41 . Telephone interview with Julie Werbel , a former USAID official , February 25 , 2016 .
42 . Telephone interview with Neal Kringel , February 24 , 2016 ; telephone interview with USAID official , January 12 , 2016 ; telephone interview with National Defense University official , March 3 , 2016 .
43 . Serafino , Building Civilian Interagency Capacity , 11-14 ; 26-28 .
44 . Gordon Adams and Shoon Murray , eds ., Mission Creep : The Militarization of U . S . Foreign Policy ?, ( Washington : Georgetown University Press , 2014 ), 15-16 . A more charitable view of the situation is that the differing forms of planning undertaken by various agencies reflect and support their different functions and missions . For example , the DOS compiles and issues annual re-