THE FASHION IDENTITY Edition 38 | Page 10

A client should be encouraged to workout at their own intensity level and progre tions or health issues they must communicate it with you, so that you are able to single them out. Make sure they have an enjoyable workout. Give your clients th questions or if they need to discuss.You definitely don’t want your clients to walk for them especially for beginners and members with limitations. If your new members they might just not come back if they are made If there is a negative feeling, chances are that they may not to your class or they may never want to exercise in future. group classes for all levels with different modifications tensities. This is much enjoyable for everyone in the Be it a person with health issues or an obese indivi,a shy beginner or an advanced level participant, there is room for everyone.Creating workout in teams or partner workout once in a while helps to break the ice amongst members and that is a great motivation for everyone to come back for more fun in class. Reach out to your participants. Most importantly come from the heart when you teach.As mentioned in my earlier conversation, its an absolute must that every instructor to be a certified instructor.Fitness industry is an ever changing industry and you want to be current and not teaching something without kno teaching an knowledge get better a Instructors themselves workshops shops onsi