The Farmers Mart Dec-Jan 2019 - Issue 60 | Page 48

48 APPROACH FARM DEC/JAN 2019 • Celebrating 75 years of independent care Bishopton Veterinary Group and RAFT Solutions are delighted to support Approach Farm Dedicated team of farm animal vets 24 hour emergency cover 365 days a year Proactive approach to cattle & sheep health, welfare and production Practical farm based training, delivered by vets and industry experts Cattle advanced breeding services Consultancy services available Committed to long term partnerships supporting British livestock farming. The Farmstar team are proud suppliers to Angus Gowthorpe of Approach Farm and wish him continued success. HEAD OFFICE GROVE FARM, CHURCH LANE, MARR DONCASTER, DN5 7AU Tel : 01302 786786 Fax : 01302 390257 BECKLANDS PARK IND EST, YORK ROAD, MARKET WEIGHTON, YORK, YO43 3GA Tel : 01430 875900 Fax : 01430 875909 HAWTON LANE, NEW BALDERTON NEWARK, NOTTS, NG24 3BU Tel : 01636 671628 Fax: 01636 673810 ‘When I drill the rape I also drill spring beans, vetch, berseem clover and buck- wheat, the mix of plants gives root diversity which harvests phosphate to boost the rape, which is the only thing I harvest above the ground. The variety of other plants confuses the flea beetle that lands on the rape thinking it is lovely and then goes to the other plants and finds they’re not nice and moves on. That’s the idea. It’s called companion cropping.’ ‘The spring beans grow above the rape and in so doing provide cover from pigeons. As the beans begin to die in spring they release the nitrogen that then gets the rape going. Keeping the phosphate and nitrogen locked in to the soil helps both the soil and the crops.’ Clover has become Angus’ best friend in the soil world. ‘Clover is the ultimate cover crop. It is the perfect under story. We have grown fantas- tic crops with a mat of white clover growing underneath. It will shrug its shoulders at glyphosate. Using cover crops has helped in reducing my usage of herbicides and fungi- cides and my crops and soil are healthier. In December Angus hosted a farm walk for members of BASE UK and other farmers at Approach Farm. BASE is an independent farmer body promoting and assisting in the understanding of conservation agriculture. Angus would welcome greater involve- ment. ‘ Clover is the ultimate cover crop. It is the perfect under story. We have grown fantastic crops with a mat of white clover growing underneath ’ ‘The sooner we improve our soils and regenerate them the better. Soil damage incurred by root cropping worries me over the soils degrading more quickly. We all need to find a way of keeping the soil healthy whatever our type of farming, but I also understand the financial pressures of keeping the bank happy.’ ‘More farmers are taking up such as drilling without ploughing, min-till and cover crops. There is a greater awareness of what needs to be done but there’s still a fair degree of looking over hedges checking on what we are all doing rather than joining in just at present.’ Angus and his wife Kerry are on the livestock chow circuit with their Salers cattle. Angus started with Salers X com- mercials in 2001 and they went pedigree in 2010. Kerry had shown dogs previously so had an understanding of the showing world. They have had a reserve breed