The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2019 - Issue 62 | Page 4

4 EDITOR’S INTRO APR/MAY 2019 • Welcome to another bumper packed issue of The Farmers Mart. Spring is here and we are about to drift slowly into the summer, before you know it, we’ll be at the year’s end and drinking our way to Christmas. The time just seems to fly by these days, or is that just a sign I’m getting older? WELL what do we have in this issue, for starters the guys at Rentokil provide some valuable information at keeping your silos pest free. There is also a great article on diversifying into setting up a camp site on your farm, which could provide another valuable source of income. We also have an article looking at using LPG as an alter- native energy source during the winter months. The Rickerby show reached its 18th consecutive show, and Ian popped along to see what all the fuss was about. He gives us a review of the show and an insight to those behind the success. Chris Berry was very busy over the last couple of months visiting several farms including the 9000 acres Sledmore Estate, to sit down with Farm Estate manager James Fenwick to discuss the ins and outs of running a 2500-acre farm within the estate. He also managed to meet up with the Broadheads over at Swithens Farm in Rothwell to chat about becoming a Farm Visitor attraction. If that wasn’t enough, he managed to squeeze in visits to Annabelle Robinson & Nick Taylor to have a chinwag about setting up a farm shop, and he also popped along to Croftbank Farm where he met up with Gerrad & Verita Farmer. We also look at two pieces of machin- ery this month, the first is the McCor- mick X7 Series Tractor, a new range of McCormick four-cylinder tractors with several performance and driver com- fort advances are now available from Argo Tractors dealerships. The second is the new combine from Fendt. The Fendt IDEAL is a combine that has been developed from scratch, AGCO worked closely with its global centres of exper- tise and developed each module so that it gives perfect results under any harvesting conditions. That’s just a glimpse into this bumper packed issue of The Farmers Mart, so sit down, relax and enjoy the rest of the mag- azine and we’ll see you again next time. Editor, Jason ISSUE 62 APR/MAY 2019 For more news, views and stories from the number one farming guide in the North, visit 67010 - BlueBearTrading - 8TH.pdf 1 20/12/2017 12:37:52 C M Y CM MY CY CMY K YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR MATERIALS, BOTH RECLAIMED & NEW • Wooden & Concrete Sleepers • Telegraph Poles • Concrete Panels • Astro Turf • Re Cycled Railway Ballast • Shipping Containers • Motorway Barriers Call Andrew Lynn T. 0131 297 0246 | M. 07515 279 198 | Blue Bear Trading, 26 Dublin Street, Edinburgh, EH3 6NN New app allows remote monitoring of milking robots FULLWOOD Packo has launched a smart- phone app which enables dairy farmers to remotely monitor the performance and functionality of their M2erlin automatic milking systems. The M2erlinInfo app enables users to view real-time and historical data of each cow’s milking records, or for the herd as a whole, from any location and at any time via a Wi-Fi or mobile data connection. Parameters such as milk yield, number and duration of milkings per day and time of last milking are easily accessible, with users also able to compare 10-day and 24- hour yield averages. The app also delivers a series of alarms and warnings to alert the farmer/herd man- ager of potential problems – either with the milking machine or an individual cow – and gives users easy access to the robot’s cleaning records and maintenance sched- ules, thus ensuring each M2erlin is working as efficiently and hygienically as. The M2erlinInfo app also warns of any devi- ations in terms of cluster attachment timings and milk captured during the first two minutes of milking to provide an immediate warning of potential problems. The app has been tested on several farms where it has proven to be a useful farm management tool: The M2erlinInfo app is fully customisable, with users able to select what type of noti- fications to receive and when. The app can also be configured to remain silent during hours defined by the user, therefore ensur- ing uninterrupted sleep for off-duty staff. A demo of the app’s key functions can be viewed by downloading the app and using the following log-in details: Account: [email protected] Password: demo123 Countryside Alliance warns of rural labour shortages THE Countryside Alliance has written to Home Secretary, Sajid Javid MP, to warn that the Government’s proposals for immigration policy outside the EU create a “very real risk” of labour shortages in the rural economy. The warning was issued in re- sponse to the Government’s White Paper on immigration which was published at the end of the last year, and the Home Office has begun a 12-month period of consultation with interested groups on the proposals. The White Paper is focused on high skilled migration, but the Coun- tryside Alliance has highlighted the need in rural areas for low skilled workers, particu- larly at important times of the year, in part thanks to low unemployment figures across the country. The White Paper sets out a route for short- term low skilled workers, but this route will be subject to “tightly defined conditions” and the Government will set “restrictions on nation- alities, duration and possibly numbers.” This route is also only intended to be a transitional measure to enable employers to “change their ways of working”, but the Countryside Alliance has stressed that for many rural businesses, reliance upon low skilled workers cannot be avoided. The Countryside Alliance has called for the reintroduction of a seasonal agricul- tural workers scheme, or equiv- alent scheme, to allow farmers and rural businesses to access labour from abroad after the UK leaves the EU. The Govern- ment has announced plans for a pilot scheme, to commence in April this year, but this will only allow 2,500 workers to enter the UK from outside the EU. The UK requires approx- imately 80,000 seasonal agricultural work- ers every year and the Office for National Statistics has stated that 99 per cent of these workers come from countries within the EU. To read the Countryside Alliance letter to the Home Secretary please visit www.countryside- 8764-3ede8312fd78/Letter-to-Home-Secretary-re- White-Paper-on-immigration.pdf?lang=en-GB.