The Farmers Mart Apr-May 2019 - Issue 62 | Page 13

FARM NEWS 13 • APR/MAY 2019 MSD Launches New Triple Protection Pig Vaccine MSD Animal Health has an- nounced the launch of their new and unique triple action pig vaccine to control ery- sipelas, porcine parvovirus and leptospirosis, offering up to 12 months immunity. The first of its kind, PORCI- LIS® Ery+Parvo+Lepto of- fers protection against three of the biggest diseases that cause reproductive failures in pigs. Alexandre Carvalho, business unit manager for pigs at MSD Animal Health, explained that this vaccine has the broadest protection against Leptospira on the market, offering protection against nine different sero- groups including, Australis and Pomona. “This vaccine also in- cludes protection against the Tarassov serogroup, which is unique to the prod- uct,” he said. “It’s important to note that PORCILIS Ery+Parvo+Lep- to can be used for mass vaccination and during pregnancy, which hasn’t been possible with previous products.” He added that MSD is pleased to launch the new vaccine to support custom- ers in the control of these important diseases. “We want to offer our customers solutions to en- able them to feel confident about the protection of their herds,” said Mr Carvalho. New UK protein source launched to industry AN exciting new feed proposition has been launched to the dairy industry and is now available throughout the UK. NovaPro, a high-performance rumen protect- ed protein, could help the sector eliminate its heavy reliance on imported soya while delivering a cost-benefit to producers. Processing at the state-of- the-art manufacturing facility based in the Midlands is now underway. The plant is exclu- sively sourcing and mechanically crushing UK rapeseed, focussing on supplying high-quality ex- pelled cake for the animal feed sector alongside both feed grade and refined rapeseed oils. Speaking at the launch event, Matt Stearn, Trident Feeds com- mercial manager, emphasised that the unique manufacturing process of NovaPro is what sets the product apart from tradi- tional sources of rapemeal, with gentle heat and Xylig treatment at the heart of the process. “We’re importing significant quantities of soya into the UK and to be in a position to offer a credible, cost-effective and sustainable alternative, is a very exciting prospect,” says Mr Stearn. Visqueen – the only silage sheeting range manufactured in the UK. LOOKING FOR A HIGH PERFORMANCE CLAMP SHEET? WE’VE GOT IT COVERED. Manufactured using the latest extrusion technology, the innovative combination of Visqueen Agri-S and Visqueen Clingseal helps to create the right anaerobic conditions for fast, efficient fermentation. Exceptional tear resistance Longer lifespan - better value All weather protection with UV inhibitor 100% recyclable Reduces air pockets Reduces top and shoulder losses Facilitates a more efficient fermentation 100% recyclable Accept no imitations. If it doesn’t say Visqueen on the wrapper then it isn’t Visqueen.