The Ethical Web Magazine Fall 2014 (Standalone) | Page 2

If your child is not old enough to have a social media account, try

Go to to watch the video and read more information.

The minimum age to make an account on most social media sites like Facebook and Instagram is at least 13 years of age (Bennett 2014). The age restriction is for a good reason. According to a survey, 20% of 11 and 12 year olds who made a social media account experienced something that upset them almost every day (Bell 2013). 62% of these experiences were caused by strangers and 45% of parents were unaware of the requirements.

Kuddle is a photo-sharing app similar to Instagram that is designed for kids. It provides tools for parents to monitor their child's activities (Perez 2014).

Kuddle offer lessons on Internet etiquette, important skills that they will need in the future. The app is fully compliant with the law that protects the privacy rights of children (Perez 2014).

It is safer for several reasons:

1) Children have to input their parent's e-mail at sign up.

2) They cannot share a photo unless the parent approves.

3) Photos are don't use GPS, comments are not allowed, and likes are anonymous.

4) Children can only add friends that they know in real life (under watchful eye of the parent).

Kuddle is available for a free download from Google Play and Apple iTunes.