The Essential Guide to Doing Transition. 'Tomorrow' Screenings Guide | Page 5

Organising your community screening of 'Tomorrow'

Transition Network has negotiated the rights for a community-led distribution of the film in the UK. Communities are invited to organise screenings either in local cinemas or in other venues. The fee per screening is £100, or £200 if the screening is put on by a cinema. There is also the possibility of a lower fee of £50 for communities where £100 represents a real struggle, but given the impact this film can have, and the number of people who are keen to see it, we would urge you to be ambitious in thinking about your screening. You'll find some pointers later in this guide. To book your screening, click here.


Help us create a 'Tomorrow' groundswell

'Tomorrow' is the perfect antidote to post-Trump despondency. It's a fantastic showcase for Transition thinking and where it could go. To help build a buzz around the film, we'd love it if as part of organising your screening you could make sure someone is there with an iPad or some other film recording device, who can film some vox pops with people about what they thought of the film. If you could splice them together and put them on YouTube (using #Tomorrowfilm as a tag), it would really help us in promoting it. Please share your films on social media using the same hashtag. If you need any more suggestions on this, do get in touch.

To give you a sense of what we have in mind, here is one from Tooting, made by Transition Town Tooting after their screening of 'In Transition 2.0'.