The-Enzymatic-Edge The-Enzymatic-Edge | Page 12

USING YOUR ENZYMES Now that you understand the problem with most bodybuilders’ high protein intake, and how to fix this problem with a good digestive enzyme, let’s now finish up by talking about how to put those enzymes to use. One of my favorite ways to use the enzymes is for the process of pre-digestion. For instance, let’s say you’re heading to the gym for a particularly intense workout that’ll last around an hour or so. You know this session is going to be hard on your body and as such, you must be doing everything possible to optimize the recovery process. The best way to do this? Prepare your protein shake before your workout by adding in some digestive enzymes too. By doing this, the digestive enzymes will begin pre-digesting the amino acids in the protein powder you use, leaving you with the most rapidly-digesting source of protein available. RECOVERY AND MUSCLE GROWTH Empty 1-2 capsules of enzymes into your protein shake to sip throughout your workout. This will enhance recovery and muscle growth. Now you can sip this throughout your workout, helping jump-starting the recovery process. This way you’ll already begin repairing muscle tissues before you’ve even left the gym. This will radically improve the results you get from training, and can even help increase the total time you can spend in the gym before you hit that fatigued state. If you aren’t gearing up for an intense workout session, then you’ll simply want to take your enzymes prior to eating each meal. This will give them a chance to break down in your body as your food enters your system, so they can immediately start digesting what you’re eating. ENHANCE DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION Take 1-2 capsules before meals to improve digestion. WWW.MASSZYMES.COM 12