The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Summer/Fall 2018 | Page 49



idaho.kdchiOur Therapy dog event raise the woof! Thank you for everyone who participated and don't forget our informational is tonight at 6:30 PM in the Crest room on the 4th floor of the Commons!

#rushuikdchi #kdchi

kdchi_msutxKDChi volunteering at the Sikes Lake clean up this morning!🦆 Rain or shine we’re always eager to help our community anyway we can #servive #kdchi

utsakdchiWe want to give a big THANK YOU to @childsafe for giving us the opportunity to help make a difference in a child’s life. 💕 | Also a big s/o the our service chair @valizzlle for hosting the event as well and everyone who donated. It was a GREAT turn out thanks to every single one of you! Thank you. #unitedthroughservice

untd_kdchiHappy Friday! Don’t forget to join us for service today at Trinity River Mission at 7:30 PM!

2060 Singleton Blvd #104, Dallas, TX 75212

#kdchi #untdallas #rushkdchi #blazeyourtrail #service #untd #volunteer