The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Summer/Fall 2018 | Page 19

me celebrate. When I got diagnosed with stage 4 brain cancer, a time I was most down, I had my sisters (from across the nation) at my side offering me support and fundraising for me. I had sisters from different chapters giving me encouragement, love, and rides to the radiation facility when my family was unable to help me out. After years of wearing my many hats, helping sisters when they needed it, and being kind, my karma came back strong.

My message to you is to never give up on your journey with KDChi. I remember a sister and I were in the library feeling defeated and complaining about the process and mentioned "this isn't going to get me into grad school, what's the point." Flash forward 2 years later, and KDChi was one of the biggest factors into why I got into grad school and my job as an FSL advisor. It hasn't been an easy road but I have been privileged enough to know I could stand up for myself. I use my privilege and stand up for those who are also in need of feeling like they matter and belong in our sisterhood.

KDChi will always be a part of my life I am most proud of. As the incoming District 3 Chair, I hope to share my experiences with the chapters and inspire sisters to adapt to the changes and never give up on why they joined KDChi in the first place. Leading with integrity, united through service is easy to role off the tongue

but tough to actually live it. I'm proud to say that this slogan has become a part of my life through trial and error. No relationship is easy, but my relationship with KDChi has had all the ups and all the downs and I will always rep it with all the pride and all the honor.

CSUMB Greek Cup 2011

Jessica with flowers sent from a sister after she was released from the hospital, 2017