The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Summer/Fall 2018 | Page 10

I had a paid internship this summer at buildingcommunityWORKSHOP, they are a planning and architecture firm. I did not have to move anywhere as they are located in Dallas where I live. After my first year away from my family and friends I knew I wanted an internship in Dallas and my adviser reached out to [bc] to see if they had space. Part of their mission as a nonprofit community design center is "seeking to improve the livability and viability of communities through the practice of thoughtful design and making. " I have learned so much about the city I have always called home working here. I have also learned how important it is to have people willing to stand in your corner and advocate for you. I have always had jobs unrelated to my career interests so it has been amazing having an internship in my field.

- Ucha Abbah

Hello sisters! I am a sister from Zeta chapter I graduated December 2016. I had the privilege of interning at Hope Cottage Pregnancy and Adoption Center this summer. It was through UTA’s MSW program and it was amazing. It was a local placement and it was unpaid but I learned so much from their infant department. I worked hard everyday to learn as much as I could and achieve my training plan. I am pleased to say that I applied for a full time position with them towards the end of the summer and was hired. I am currently their bilingual Parenting and Youth Educator. I had the opportunity to show them my hard work and dedication as an intern and the interview process was just a formality, which I came to find out after, but I still treated it as I would any interview. Knowing later that when I applied that the position was mine before I even interviewed was an incredible feeling because they recognized my work ethic and passion for helping others. I have since then finished my internship hours and started my journey as a full time employee. It has been so great thus far and I can continue to learn and grow. This is my last internship as I graduate with my MSW in December. I wouldn’t change anything about my internship experience because it lead me to where I wanted to be.

- Vanessa Ramirez

Hi! My name is Stephanie Perez. I’m from the Northern Illinois University colony. During the summer I was blessed to be part of the community management internship with Walgreens. It was by far one of the best experiences in my life. It was paid pretty well for an internship and it taught me a lot. I was based out of a local Walgreens near me, but we had a group who I was consistently working with towards the ending goal of presenting a solution for certain problems that can arise within Walgreens. Our focus was driving the patient experience within pharmacies. We learned the ins and outs of satisfied and unsatisfied patients and what new ways we could come up with to help them. Overall, a fantastic experience that I would have the pleasure of experiencing all over again.

I had an amazing paid internship with Golden Apple this summer. I have had this internship 3 times now.

It was in Chicago so I did have to move out there but room & food were provided.

I spent a month in the city teaching summer school in schools of need. I loved every moment of it. I learned a lot about myself as a teacher and I learned so much about the kids I was working with. My internship made me sure that teaching is exactly what I want to be.

Something I learned about this internship is not to be afraid to step out of my comfort zones. Be willing to try new things and if they don’t work out, tweak them and try again but never be afraid to take that first step. Things can only go up & you’ll always learn from your mistakes.

- Daliha Orozco