The Emerald Newsletter | Kappa Delta Chi Sorority Summer 2016 | Page 32

"This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in."

- Theodore Roosevelt


Some of the wonderful undergraduate sisters of the Epsilon chapter helping out at the Boys and Girl Club event, Graduate for Mavs! #service #epsilonlove #kappadeltachi #kdchi

Photo courtesy of uw_kdchi instagram

In honor of Officer Ashley Guindon of the Prince William County Police Department, (Maryland) who was Shot and Killed on her first day on the the job, Alpha Omega Alumna, Esmee Zam shared a photo of her first day on the job in her memory.

RIP #AshleyGuindon

Proud of our #DCKDChiAlumnae sisters for their work in the community service event with #GenerationHope! #KDChi

From sister Lily "So fortunate to have had such a fun and supportive group while I was at Camp Kiwanis away from the real world! In just 2 weeks I walked out with a new perspective of life and willing to take on any challenge ;) #camplife #yurtlife #campkiwanis #challenge #fun #friends #smiles #kdchi #service #kappadeltachi #mthood #summer2016 #session1 #nofilter