The Dream Box - June Edition E-magazine June Edition_v1.0 | Page 13

THOUGHT FOR YOUR SOUL Geetha Pradeep Depression is a silent killer. It sneaks into your mind so stealthily that by the time you realize, you would have fallen prey to it. The sooner you realize it, the faster you can break free. According to the studies conducted by National Institute of Mental Health, 20% of people suffering from major depression are prone to psychotic disorder. At least 10-15% women develop post-partum depression. According to WHO, around 350 million people across the world suffer from some sort of depression. At least 8% of youngsters aged between 18 and 22 suffer from depression. Women are more likely to develop a depression than men. With such shocking statistics, depression is definitely to be nipped in the bud. The good news is that depression is completely curable, provided you deal with it medically and compassionately. Here are some ways you can wad off depression. But if you find it difficult, don’t shy away from taking professional help! What causes depression? Depression could develop because of hormonal imbalances, prolonged mental stress, genetics, brain chemistry etc. It is important to first identify depression as a medical condition requiring professional help. More often, people feel that discussing mental health is taboo. It is important to seek professional help when you are depression to get rid of it completely. How do you identify depression? People who are depressed will be THE DREAM BOX very emotional. They tend to show extreme emotions at silly matters. They will get very irritated easily and show high levels of anger. They tend to lose interest in everything and may even get suicidal. In some 13