The Doppler Quarterly Summer 2016 | Page 14

Average TCO Savings
By moving to cloud we see companies achieving around 40 % TCO savings , regardless of industry .
The emerging need to gather and analyze cost data . This includes real time monitoring , analytics to uncover spending patterns , and predictive analytics to identify future trends that will help support planning and strategy .
The emerging need to set limits on spending , both during operations ( such as limiting the number of virtual servers provisioned by a single user ), as well as governing who can leverage which resources , and for what purposes .
The shift in ownership comes with some risk and cost . Centralized IT and the CBO are becoming the IT service brokers for the entire enterprise , and thus must take control of all management aspects of those resources . Those who understand the impact of taking on this responsibility also know that present procedures for cost monitoring and control have to change . New approaches need to be created , and automated tools leveraged . Now is the time for IT to prepare for these fundamental shifts .
The Importance of Tracking Value
The fundamental trends listed in the previous section are a clear call to action for IT . It is time to put in place the financial management systems and best practices for cost governance , management and analysis .