The Doppler Quarterly Spring 2017 | Page 46

Defending the Value of Kubernetes in the Cloud David Linthicum If you’re moving in the direction of Kubernetes, here’s how to make both a technology and a business case. Figure 2 looks at interest in Kubernetes, relative to Swarm, Cloud Foundry and Apache Mesos. Keep in mind that Cloud Foundry is more than just a cluster manager standard/product. Kubernetes was open sourced by Google in 2014. This container orchestration engine is based upon Goo- gle’s Borg technology that’s been running for many years. Indeed, Google ran Kubernetes for more than 10 years, before containers became hot. Google had been powering its own web services with it. So, let’s declare this technology a winner, and look at what we need to do to make it work within our enterprises. Putting things into perspective, Kubernetes was actually late to the container cluster manager/ orchestration party. As you may recall Apache Mesos first entered the market in 2009. It began as technol- ogy without a container role, until those who needed to make containers scale put two and two together. Despite Kubernetes only being out of beta for a short time, more people now brag about their Kubernetes skills than they do about Apache Mesos, Docker Swarm or Cloud Foundry. Further validating the con- tainers orchestration engine, Microsoft deepened its investment and commitment to Kubernetes in early April with the acquisition of Deis, a Kubernetes ser- vices and support startup. The hype and demand can also be measured by the Stack Overflow questions that mention the different container cluster managers. Indeed, Kubernetes dominated the category, as the chart from Apprenda reflects in Figure 1. 44 | THE DOPPLER | SPRING 2017 The Basics Kubernetes consists of several architectural compo- nents, including pods, labels, replication controllers and services. They do the following: • Pods are ephemeral units that manage one or more tightly coupled containers. • Replication controllers create new pod “repli- cas” from a pod template to ensure that a con- figurable number of pods are running. • Services offer a low-overhead way to route requests to a logical set of pod back ends in the cluster, using label-driven selectors. So, if you’re looking to run Kubernetes to manage clusters of your containers, what will be the core decisions that you have to make? In my opinion, they include the following: • To cloud or not to cloud? Keep in mind that you can run Kubernetes on premises, as well as within public clouds. Although, Google’s cloud